Environmental Projects
Transbrasa develops projects contributing to the preservation of the environment and nature, acting in an ecologically way.
Some of our actions.
- Acquisition of equipment and modern vehicles equipped with engines with electronic fuel injection.
- Control and Management of Fuels (Biofuels).
- Maintenance projects of preventine and corrective fleets and machinery.
- • Opacity test of the fleet.
- Re-refining of diesel oil.
- Co-processing of wood.
- Plan to control and manage waste.
- Project “Papa lampadas” (decontamination and recycling of lamps).
- Recycling of materials – paper/cardboard.
- Preservation of the surrounding forest.
- Selective collection.
- Maintenance of Stormwater Galleries.
- Ink Cartridges/Toner.
- Battery/motors.
- Fundamar – Project.
Environmental Policy
- Comply with relevant laws and requirements for our organization.
- Reduce the environmental impacts of all activities undertaken in order to control and prevent pollution.
- Ensure health and safety of its employees, third parties and visitors, through prevention and minimization of risks in workplace.
Life Quality
For a long time Transbrasa invests in the life quality of its employees, through projects of preventive health, education and personal development. Incentive to practice sports, healthy eating campaigns, through constant campaigns accompanied by professionals in physical education, physiotherapy and nutrition.
- Vaccination Campaigns.
- Preventive health campaigns.
The Transbrasa pioneered the use of sunscreen, offering it for free to employees, even before the regulation. Personal development programs encouraging employees to motivation and better results personally and professionally.
Transbrasa recognizes the responsibility to support the cooperator for the best performance, constantly investing in technical training and education.
Work Safety
Transbrasa invests in the preparation of its employees and encourages safe actions. Respect for workers, customers and for the environment.
Social actions
Transbrasa carry as principle the community care, acting together with their employees. Furthermore, it supports projects that contributes in a positive and sustainable way for the community.
Providing Social Services to local authorities, putting forward and participating in various campaigns such as the Dengue Disease Prevention and Combat, Combat of Diseases Transmitted by Pigeons, Immunization, Warm Clothing and others.
Transbrasa believes in education as the foundation for the development and support of all steps in Education, signing agreements with entities and promoting classrooms in the company.
Support for sports activities like football, school of sailing, canoeing and martial arts. Incentive to Culture, promoting the contact with theater, film, music and literature.